
- 09.11
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Ki Drupadi's picture
Whizzywig merupakan editor teks yang ringan dan powerfull yang sangat kompatibel dengan Drupal. Dirancang dengan javascript yang effisien membuat editor ini sangat cepat di loading pada konten-konten Drupal. Terkesan dengan kemudahan dan kekuatannya Drupal-id.Org menjadikan editor ini sebagai standar teks editornya.
Perbandingan Whizzywig dengan editor lain.
100% Drupal orientedYes. We have edited the source code of whizzywig.js to meet Drupal framework!NoNo
Built in Image BrowserYesNoNo
Built in File Manager (File Upload, Resize, Delete, etc)YesNoNo
Image PreviewYesNo (TinyMCE provides commercial Image Browser)No
Able to create sub-folderYesNoNo
Access TimeVery FastSlowFast
Space required (uncompressed size)150 KB4.4 MB/1.8 MB+/- 500 KB
Support insert/delete for column/row in tableYesYesNo
Independent moduleYes (include modified Whizzywig library to meet Drupal framework)No (require wysiwyg module and additional third party files, but FCKeditor provides an independent module)No (require wysiwyg module and additional third party files, but some editors provide independent module)
Custom buttonsYesYesNo
Teaser breakUse excerpt moduleYes or use excerpt moduleUse excerpt module
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